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Programme for the autumn season in Naantali

Katutasolta kuvattu näkymä Naantalin vanhan kaupungin Mannerheiminkadulle. Mukulakivetys ja oranssin ja keltaisen sävyisiä puutaloja.

Programme for the autumn season in Naantali

There is plenty to see and do in Naantali also in the autumn season! Enjoy the peace of autumn in the archipelago, the delights of the harvest, atmospheric dark evenings and unforgettable theatre tours (in finnish) of the Louhisaari manor house.

Naantalin museon rakennuksia puistosta kuvattuna.

Naantali museum and Naantali church

You can visit Naantali Museum and Naantali Church all year round. During the autumn season, Naantali Church is open on Wednesdays from 12-14 and on Sundays and public holidays from 9-12, while Naantali Museum is open on Wednesdays from 12-18.

Naantalin kirkon torni puiden katveessa.

Herrankukkaro valaistuna pimenevänä iltana ilmasta kuvattuna, kauniin saaristomaiseman keskellä.

Events in Herrankukkaro

Herrankukkaro is a unique recreational area built around an old fishing farm, offering unforgettable events for individual visitors. There will be smoke sauna events, accommodation weekends, wellness events and knitting retreats. Come and enjoy the delights of the archipelago and the beauty of the archipelago nature!

Contemporary Art Gallery Naantalin Taidehuone

Naantalin Taidehuone is a contemporary art gallery run by Naantali Museum in the Old Town by the sea. The Art Gallery is an excellent place to stop by, as the Naantali Museum, restaurants and cafés and the charming wooden houses of the Old Town are all on the same street.

Naantalin Taidehuoneen valkoinen sisäseinä ja ikkunasyvennykset, joissa keramiikkataidetta esillä.
Näkymä Kuparivuoren kallioilta alas Naantalinlahdelle.

Cliffs of Kuparivuori hill – Naantali’s Most Famous Lookout point

The cliffs of Kuparivuori (Copper Mountain in English) are located next to the old town of Naantali and are a startling place to visit. The views from the cliffs are magnificent over Naantali Bay, the Kultaranta Garden and villa, as well as Naantali Church and the Old Town.